Just kidding...sort of. Henry and I flew down to L.A. for the weekend to see my mom. She was passing through California on her way back home to Maui, after spending Thanksgiving in Minnesota. Since she couldn't make it up to Oregon, Henry and I flew down to see her for the weekend. Before having Henry, I've made quick problem. Now that I have a 2-year-old, someone should have told me that I was crazy to attempt the trip on my own.
Henry has flown before, but this was the first time that we had to purchase a seat for him since he's 2. I thought it would make things much easier to have his own seat. Not so much. Imagine me trying to go through security with Henry, his stroller, 2 carry-ons, and his carseat. I had to take him out of the stroller, take off his shoes and mine, and load everything onto the conveyer belt. The whole time he's saying, "How 'bout WALK? How 'bout DOWN?"
Just kidding...sort of. Henry and I flew down to L.A. for the weekend to see my mom. She was passing through California on her way back home to Maui, after spending Thanksgiving in Minnesota. Since she couldn't make it up to Oregon, Henry and I flew down to see her for the weekend. Before having Henry, I've made quick problem. Now that I have a 2-year-old, someone should have told me that I was crazy to attempt the trip on my own.
Henry has flown before, but this was the first time that we had to purchase a seat for him since he's 2. I thought it would make things much easier to have his own seat. Not so much. Imagine me trying to go through security with Henry, his stroller, 2 carry-ons, and his carseat. I had to take him out of the stroller, take off his shoes and mine, and load everything onto the conveyer belt. The whole time he's saying, "How 'bout WALK? How 'bout DOWN?"
Getting on the plane was even worse. The carseat was in a zip-up case with wheels, but the plane aisle was too narrow for me to pull the carseat. So, I was trying to carry Henry while holding the carseat above the plane seats to make our way to the LAST row of the plane. Then I had to unzip the carseat and install it, while trying to keep Henry from running away. On the way home, I checked the carseat, and just let Henry sit in the airplane seat.
I very carefully chose our flight times so that Henry would nap on the plane on the way there, and we would get home before bed time on the way back. The airlines had other plans. Our return flight was changed from 4:40 (arriving at 7:10) to 7:20 (arriving at 10:00). I was pretty mad about that since I am quite strict about Henry's sleep schedule, but I got over it. Not really. Then, in addition to the flight time being changed, it was delayed by over an hour. We didn't even arrive in Portland until 11:00.
I am happy we were able to see my mom, but in hindsight, I would have preferred to have her visit us. Did I mention that Henry was sick? Oh yeah, he had a cold, and was cranky and whiny the whole time. He only wanted Mommy, and didn't want to play, eat, or interact on Friday or Saturday. Luckily he was feeling better by Sunday, so he had one good day in L.A. We stayed with my mom's friends, Stevie and Gary, whom I've known all my life. It was really nice to see them and to introduce Henry to them. Too bad he wasn't really himself, though. We went out to dinner on Friday night, went to a park on Saturday,
and visited Stevie and Gary's daughter, Amy, on Saturday evening. We also had a nice brunch on Sunday with my high school friend, Patrick, and his family.

Patrick and Christine with their kids Taylor and Patrick.

Henry and his Grandma at Sunday Brunch. A few mimosas helped to make the brunch fun for Mommy!

Henry loved looking at the fish in the koi pond after brunch.Me and the kids outside of the restaurant.
I am happy to have seen my mom and some wonderful friends, but I don't think I'll be traveling alone with Henry again any time soon. So, friends and family, feel free to come visit US!
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