How old is Henry?


Friday, November 23, 2007

Blogger's Block

I've been experiencing a new kind of writer's block - I don't have anything to blog about! For some reason, I haven't been taking pictures lately, and we haven't had anything too exciting going on.
Yesterday was Thanksgiving, but I didn't take ONE SINGLE picture.

Henry's Auntie Kathleen came to visit us last weekend, and we had a great time seeing her, but I didn't take pictures.

What's wrong with me? Maybe it's the Winter Blues. Maybe I'm saving up for the Christmas season. I'm definitely in a slump.

These are the only pictures I've taken in the past 2 weeks:

I know this picture is blurry, but it cracks me up that he has TWO binkies in his mouth.
Is this what a train table is for?Henry got another haircut last weekend. Cute, huh?
I'll try to come up with some new blogging material. We'd better go out and do some stuff...or maybe I'll just make it up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very cute haircut!!