Henry & I are playing hookey from daycare & school today. I called in sick because Henry threw up last night. But, he seems fine today, so we're just enjoying a day at home together. It's now noon, and neither one of us is dressed yet.
When I picked up Henry from daycare yesterday, Tamara told me that he'd been cranky all day. He didn't have a fever, but he was whiney and clingy. That behavior continued at home. Jeff was in Eugene overnight, so I was alone with Mr. Cranky-Pants. Henry is normally such a happy guy that it really worries me when he's not.
He ate dinner, but didn't want much milk, and he kept rubbing his eyes and face. He has three teeth about to pop through the gums, so I gave him some Motrin and put him to bed at 7:30. Henry NEVER cries when I put him down. He talks and sings and plays and laughs until he falls asleep. Well, last night he cried. After about 5 minutes of crying, he was quiet. I had a strange feeling that something wasn't right, so I went into his room. He was fast asleep...in a pool of vomit. YUCK. It was everywhere. Even in his hair. So, I had to wake him up, get him undressed, clean up his crib, throw everything into the laundry, change his sheets (for the 2nd time - I had just changed his sheets earlier that evening), and put him in the bathtub. While he was in the tub, I went into his room to get his towel and pajamas, and when I came back there was a HUGE POOP in the tub. So, then I had to remove the toys and the poop, clean Henry, clean the tub, disinfect the toys, and get Henry ready for bed.
I put Henry to bed, and he went right to sleep. Then I called for a sub and wrote out lesson plans to e-mail to my teaching partner. Just as I was about to send the e-mail, I deleted it. I could have cried. It wasn't a great night. Luckily, Henry slept through the night. I didn't. I checked on him three separate times throughout the night to make sure he was o.k.
He was happy this morning, and has had a pretty good day so far. He has a hoarse voice, but otherwise seems great. Knock on wood. We're planning on going out of town for the 3-day weekend.
Here's my normally happy Henry a few nights ago....

Here's my SUPER Happy Henry cracking up laughing while watching Baby Einstein.
Wanna know what was making him laugh? Hippos shaking maracas!
I hope to see my Happy Henry back soon!