A couple of nights ago I put Henry in his crib and he immediately fell asleep...or so I thought because I didn't hear a peep from him for about 20 minutes. I went into the bathroom directly across from his room, and after I flushed the toilet, I heard Henry's voice yell out "Mama go potty!"
This morning while getting Henry dressed, I was rummaging through his drawers looking for a shirt when he said, "How 'bout doggy shirt?" I pulled out a shirt with a picture of a bulldog on the front, and he smiled a huge smile and said, "Yeah! Doggy shirt!" Now he's picking out his own clothes in the morning?
Later when I was dropping him off at daycare, he said "Mama, Henry go swimming pool?" A little girl there looked shocked and asked whether he said what she thought he said. When I said yes, she said, "Wow, Henry says EVERYTHING now."
We went to the store after work this evening, and Henry had some strong opinions about what we bought. When I picked up our usual apple sauce, Henry asked, "How 'bout blue applesauce?" Sure enough, there was blue apple sauce on the shelf. It said 25% less sugar, so I figured we'd try it. He LOVED it. He ate two containers with his dinner tonight.

As I grabbed the banana/vanilla yogurt off the shelf, Henry said, "Stawbeebee nono (yogurt), pease." I absentmindedly said "O.K." but kept going. He said, "STAWBEEBEE nono, pease...STAWBEEBEE nono, pease..." until I realized what he was saying. So, I grabbed a package of strawberry yogurt, and Henry laughed. I think he likes the control!
Henry often runs through the house while saying, "No running! No running!"
He crawls through the doggy door to go outside saying "No go outside...too cold."
Whenever something is hot, Henry will say "hot coffee." It doesn't have to be coffee. If we light a candle, he says "hot coffee." If he sees a fire, he says "hot coffee." When Jeff barbecues, Henry stands next to the grill and says "hot coffee." Any time Henry sees smoke, he says "hot coffee." Today we were driving home when he said, "Hot coffee sky." I looked up and saw that there were lots of big puffy clouds in the sky that looked like smoke. Pretty funny.
A few days ago I was changing Henry's diaper, and when I taped up the new diaper, he said, "Bye-bye penis. Yuv you, Penis." Typical male.
1 comment:
He is really an inspired talker! To me, the blue applesauce doesn't look appealing, but I'm glad he liked after he "bought" it.
This week I've been with two families who have 2 year old grandchildren. No one talks like Hen!
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