I took Henry to get his 18-month portraits done yesterday. Actually, I took him last weekend, but I wasn't happy with the results, so we rescheduled. Last week Henry was grumpy, the photographer wasn't very good with him, and the proofs were just o.k. I thought we might have better luck if we waited a week. However, in the past week Henry got sick with a cold that turned into an ear infection (again). He's on antibiotics and seems to be feeling better, but he's just not himself. So, yesterday's photo shoot wasn't stellar either. There were a few cute pictures, but nothing fantastic. I decided that it was the best we were going to get at this time, so I ordered some anyway. I was told that 18-months is a hard age for portraits. Maybe they were just trying to make me feel better. Or get rid of me. Henry looked so cute in his new outfit that I decided to take a few pictures of him when we got home from the portrait studio. My photo shoot didn't go so well either.
This is the best picture I got. It's actually pretty cute.

Now Henry's getting bored. And impatient.

Now he's getting grumpy. And his nose is runnning.

O.K. I can take a hint. We're done!

It must be the age.
1 comment:
Cool! Of course the first one is the best and the outfit is darling; however, I am glad to see all those teeth!
You take good pictures, Jocie!
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