You never know. Henry might just grow up to be a chef. All of Henry's daycares (past and present) have had play kitchens, and he's spent a good amount of time each day playing with them. As soon as I dropped him off, he would head straight for the play kitchen. He likes to walk around carrying whisks, spoons, and other assorted kitchen gadgets. I decided that Henry needed his own kitchen, so I've been watching to find the right one at the right price. Many of the play kitchens are pink and girly, so I've been looking for a more masculine kitchen. I finally found one yesterday.

We picked it up from a nice family whose four children had outgrown it. The 7-year-old girl kept saying, "Look! He likes it! He likes it!" Her mom warned me that she might cry when we left with it, but she seemed genuinely happy to pass it on to Henry. They even threw in a play shopping cart, dishes, and some fake food. As soon as we got home, Henry got right to work in his new kitchen. I usually update my blog when Henry is napping or after he's gone to sleep for the night. But, I am updating my blog right now, while Henry is still awake, because he is currently busily playing with his new kitchen!
First he had to go shopping for fresh groceries.
Next he got to work in the kitchen. Close the refrigerator door!
What's in the microwave?
Henry checks on his food, making sure not to burn anything.
Of course he does the dishes when he's finished cooking.

Chef Henry knows his way around a kitchen! Bam!
He really seems to take cooking very seriously!Flambe anyone??
Oh Jocie, I'm so glad you got him a kitchen!! It is perfect for him. I can't wait to play mud cakes!
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