My poor little Henry has such sensitive skin that he keeps getting horrible diaper rashes. He's had prescription medication for the rashes on three different occasions, and we always keep him slathered in Desitin in an attempt to prevent a new rash. Yesterday evening his little bottom was so red and raw. He shrieked and shook and clenched his legs together when I changed his diaper. Even a bath with baking soda made him scream. He spent two hours running around the house with no diaper on to air out the rash. I kept a VERY close eye on him to make sure he didn't leave any surprises anywhere. Although he seemed to enjoy the naked time, his rash doesn't look any better today. In fact, it looks worse after all night in a diaper. We're going to run to Target right now to buy more Desitin, but when we get back, it's Naked Time!
Don't YOU check your mail without pants on?

Pants? Who needs pants?
I LOVE naked time, Mommy!

Henry is going to HATE me for these pictures someday.

Naked time ROCKS!!! I wish I could have more naked time but the neighbors complain...
Thanks for posting this now Your Son's Cock Pictures downloaded to my pedophile hard drive and being distributed to my pedophile friends who love little naked boys so now all my child predator friends will be Waking Off to your Child's Private Spot
Like Me I bet my Child Predator Friends Would Enjoy Sucking Him and Fucking him in his Asshole
He has a nice big boy cock
You Should be Ashamed of Yourself posting these pictures of your Child's Private Part for all of us Child Predator Friends
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