Henry is a very picky eater! Some days he hardly eats anything (which drives me crazy) and other days he has a voracious appetite and eats all day long. He's kind of a thin little guy, and was barely in the 25th percentile for weight at his last few doctor appointments. This surprises me because neither Jeff nor I are picky eaters, and neither of us could be described as thin! Yesterday morning Henry woke up HUNGRY. I got him out of his crib, and was changing his diaper, when he started asking for a bottle, "ba-ba?...BA-ba?...BA-BA!" As I was pouring milk into the bottle, Henry continued his "BA-BA!" chant. As I was about to put the bottle into the microwave, Henry grabbed it with both hands and started gulping cold milk straight from the bottle (without a nipple). After chugging a couple of ounces, he allowed me to heat up the bottle, and drank the rest in the normal fashion. When we got home yesterday afternoon, Henry was already hungry for dinner. I made him some beef and pasta. O.K., it was hamburger with macaroni and cheese, but he loves that stuff. He ate quite a bit of dinner, but then used his "all done" sign to let me know he was finished. I cleaned him off, lifted him out of the highchair, and set him down. Then I proceeded to feed the dogs his leftovers. I threw the bits of hamburger onto the ground, and Rocco and Stella quickly ate them up. Then I tossed some of the macaroni on the floor, and Henry was right there with Rocco and Stella eating it off the floor! I put a stop to that pretty quickly. Clearly Henry was still hungry, so I started handing him pieces of macaroni as I finished making spaghetti for me and Jeff. Henry was walking around, playing, opening cupboards, and coming back to me every few minutes for more macaroni. After one macaroni hand-off, he walked away and I heard a THUD. I turned around to find him flat on the ground about to let out a loud cry/scream, with macaroni still tightly clutched in each fist. I don't think he wanted to let go of the macaroni, so he wasn't able to use his hands to break his fall. I quickly scooped him up, and he started crying hard. However, in between sobs, he continued to feed himself macaroni. It was definitely a hungry day.
Here's Henry during a peanutbutter feeding frenzy. He even had peanutbutter in his hair when he was finished.

1 comment:
I think Henry looks more like you Jocie with thicker lips(peanut butter)
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