Henry really loves crackers. All kinds of crackers. He loves Goldfish, Ritz, Graham Crackers, oyster crackers, rice crackers, and plain old Saltines. I just recently found little dinosaur-shaped Ritz. They're a big hit. I won't be surprised if "cracker" is Henry's first word. I have a funny cracker story from yesterday. Jeff picked Henry up from daycare and brought him home (I was at home sick). After giving me smiles and hugs, I put Henry down in the kitchen. He immediately toddled over to "his" drawers. There are 3 drawers in the kitchen that he opens and empties daily. He walked over, opened the utensil drawer (which is above his head), pulled out a cracker (from the day before?) and walked away eating it. It was so funny! How did he know there was a rogue cracker in the drawer? Did he stash it there, knowing he'd get it later...and then actually remember? Or did he just happen upon it and think, "oh, cool...a cracker"? I don't know why it struck me as so funny, but it did.
Henry also makes me laugh when he's in his highchair. He leans his head all the way over to one side and smiles at me, then leans all the way over to the other side and smiles. He's actually worn down the leather on his highchair cover because he does this so much. I'm not kidding. The highchair looked great when we got it, but now its very worn in an arc shape behind his head. Why does he do this? I don't know, but it makes me laugh. Maybe that's why.

I rememer when we could barely see his head over the tray!! And it wasn't that long ago!
I hope he has a wonderful time with his Gramma and gets to eat lots of turkey!!
He's so smart-like a dog burying a bone. What a memory!
Henry looks more like Jeff every second!!!!
He's my Doe-Dee-Doe!
Aunty Liz
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