My mom left this morning, and headed back to Hawaii. We were sad to see her go. Henry had fun staying home with his Grandma Jackie while I was working, and my mom and I had fun shopping and playing cards. After our trip to Maui in July, we realized that we never took a picture of me, my mom, and Henry together. Then this morning as I was about to leave for work, and my mom was about to leave for the airport, I realized that we never got that picture this time, either. Jeff was working, so I set the camera on automatic timer and took a couple of pictures. Here's the only half-way decent one of all 3 of us, and Henry's not even looking at the camera!

Here's a much cuter one of Henry (and a good one of my tonsils).

Henry had a good first day back at daycare. He hadn't been there for 9 days, so I was hoping he'd do o.k. Other than only taking one nap (he usually takes two), he had a good day. Here he is after a long day at daycare. Check out how dirty his shirt is. He often comes home quite messy. Maybe they're having baby food fights during lunch. Actually, Henry has started trying to feed himself with a spoon, but the result is usually a shirt covered in food. That's probably what happened.
1 comment:
It was wonderful to be part of your family for 2 weeks. I'll really miss you guys and can't wait to see you all again either here on Maui or in Oregon. I'll be checking the blog often cuz its the next best thing to being there.
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