How old is Henry?


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

It's o.k....Henry's secure in his masculinity.

I bought Henry a doll. I know that traditionally boys play with G.I. Joes or Stretch Armstrongs, and NOT baby dolls. I don't care. Henry needed a doll. Originally the doll was dressed in a frilly pink outfit, but I bought him/her a gender neutral outfit and named it Chris...or maybe Pat. I thought it would be nice for Henry to have a baby to hug and kiss and hold. I thought a doll might help him to grow up well-balanced and in touch with his loving, nurturing side. So far, all he wants to do is poke him/her in the eyeballs. I captured the following video of Henry and Chris/Pat in a rare moment of non-eye-poking sweetness.

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