How old is Henry?


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

From the Mouth of Henry

Henry loves to ask us questions. He will often ask and answer his own questions. "What color is grass? Gween." or "What color is sky? Bwue." or "What color is sun? Yewow." I'm used to hearing question after question as we drive in the car. The other day he started asking funny questions like, "What color is Mommy?" I said, "I don't know...what color IS Mommy?" He answered, "Yewow!" So I asked him, "What color is Henry?" He answered, "Yewow!" Fully expecting the answer to be yellow, I asked, "What color is Daddy?" Henry answered, "Bwack!" I don't know why he thinks Jeff is black, but it cracks me up.

Henry got a green balloon from Trader Joe's. It was floating in the air when he went to bed at night, but by morning, it was lying on the ground. When he saw it he said, "Balloon up in the sky? No...balloon on the ground." I told him that the balloon couldn't float in the sky anymore. He said, "It's too tired."

P.S. I forgot that I had some more pictures from my new camera. I took them at my dad's house on Memorial Day.

My Dad
Cousin Oliver
Cousin Owen
Cousin Jacob

Me & my brother Greg

Henry found a bag of Kix in my dad's pantry and carried it around, munching on it, for quite some time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the kidisms... They crack me up. It's so much fun being a mommy! {{{HUGS}}}