How old is Henry?


Sunday, April 27, 2008

Funny Stuff

Just a few Henry funnies...

He still goes in and out through the doggy door all the time, and I'm trying to get him to stop. I don't like it when he goes outside in the rain wearing only socks or when he walks on the grass before I've had a chance to pick up dog poop. So, I keep telling him that the doggy door is FOR DOGGIES! This afternoon while I was in the kitchen, I heard the doggy door flap open and close, but Rocco & Stella were both with me in the kitchen. I saw Henry running around outside on the deck, so I opened the sliding glass door and he immediately said, "Doggy door is for doggies!" I said, "Yes, that's right. Are you a doggy?" His reply..."Woof! Woof!" as he ran away.

A couple of days ago I was trying to figure out what to make Henry for dinner. I was giving him some choices of his favorite foods.
Me: "Do you want spaghetti? Or chicken nuggets? Or meatballs?"
Henry: "Or candy?"

Henry loves to be tickled. He actually asks for it. As I'm changing his diaper, he'll say, "Mama tickle arm?" While playing with Jeff, he'll say "Got your neck?" which means that he wants Jeff to tickle his neck. The funniest thing, though, is that he doesn't only request the usual tickle spots. On several occasions, he's said, "Tickle tongue? Tickle teeth?" Umm, o.k.

As we were in the car driving home from daycare last week, out of the blue Henry said, "Rabbits eat grass, fruits, and vegetables." I was kind of surprised at that bit of knowledge from a 2-year-old!

I was feeding Henry dinner, and I was trying to get him to use his fork as opposed to picking everything up with his fingers.
Me: Use your fork.
Henry: Use your words!

After changing Henry's diaper, and putting him back down on the floor, he said, "There...that's better."

He's a funny kid!


Anonymous said...

Oh I get such a good feeling when I read little Henry stories. It is so fun to watch and hear about him changing and becoming his own little person!

I tell people about him wanting to read "Skippy Don Dones." So cute!


Anonymous said...

LOL!! Every time I read these adorable quotes. so smart the buggah! GJ