How old is Henry?


Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Zoo

Henry & I went to the zoo on Friday. It was the first time that Henry has seemed interested in the animals. He especially liked the otters and the lorikeets. Each time we walked up to an exhibit, he'd say "hi giraffe" (or elephant or hippo, etc.), and then when we'd leave, he'd yell out "bye-bye monkey" (or penguin or bear, etc.).

We got really close to this giraffe.

The hippo got up and walked around while we were watching.

If you look closely, there's a sea lion in the water behind Henry. Really, there was!

All of the big cats were sleeping, including this leopard.

We went into the Lorikeet Landing, and got to see the birds close up.

Henry liked riding on the mountain goat statue, but he was trying to push the baby goat off. He didn't want to share!

Henry's wondering where his mommy went, and why this big bear is pushing his stroller.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Hi Jocie,

Looks like a fun trip to the zoo!

Look at the treat I'm knitting for Henry!