How old is Henry?


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Henry's Grammy

Lannie came to visit for the weekend, and Henry has been enjoying having his Grammy around. They've been reading books, playing, cuddling, tickling, and having fun. Henry can even say "Grammy." And he says "Gramma." He also says, "Bye-bye pee-pee," which he said to the cashier at Trader Joe's yesterday. Funny kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had such a good time with Hen-Man!! These pictures don't show what a happy, smart, funny boy he is. They are wonderful pictures, but they just can't do him justice.

I can see both of us saying "jump" in the picture by the tree. And I'm so glad I was there to witness "bye-bye pee-pee" to the cashier!! Really funnny.