How old is Henry?


Sunday, July 01, 2007

Yard Work

Four years ago, the summer after we moved into this house, I planted a garden. I had tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, beets, carrots, corn, zucchini, onions, peppers, basil, beans, snap peas, and maybe a few other things. It produced some nice tomatoes, but a lot of the veggies weren't worth the cost, time, water, etc. Besides, then we got the dogs, and then we had Henry, so the gardening went by the wayside. Ever since then I haven't done any gardening. But, this year I decided to try again on a small scale. I have tomatoes, zucchini, lemon cucumbers, squash, and basil. That's it. Also, my friend Becky gave me a gift card to a garden store for my birthday, and yesterday we went shopping. We bought flowers for the front window boxes and for the planter around the tree in our front yard. We planted them yesterday, and this morning when I was watering them, Henry got in on the gardening action (while still in his jammies).
After his nap today, Henry did some more gardening in the backyard.
Is he too young to mow the lawn?


Anonymous said...

How much fun to garden with Henry! You can teach him flower names like runiculas, dahlia, and tubrous begonia!

Save some of the lemon cuks for me!!


Anonymous said...

I meant lemon cukes!

Anonymous said...

He has to be the cutest gardener!! Your photography is impressive. How's the swimming? GJ