How old is Henry?


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Poop in the Bathtub

Yes, you read that right. Henry pooped in the bathtub last night. I've heard of this happening, and we even had a mini-experience several months ago, but last night was a full-on poop in the bathtub fiasco. I never really thought I'd be blogging about poop, but here goes.... I got Henry's bath going, and Jeff put him in the tub while I changed the crib sheet. That's teamwork! Once done, I went into the bathroom to relieve Jeff of his duties, and somehow during the changing of the guard, the poop happened. I soaped up a washcloth, and as I reached into the tub, I noticed "particles" floating and swirling in the water around Henry. Instead of immediately recognizing the particles, I was confused. Then I saw a GIANT foreign object in the tub with Henry. THIS was the source of the particles. I froze. I wasn't sure what to do. I called out for Jeff. He didn't answer. Henry happily continued playing. I grabbed a big wad of toilet paper and attempted to fish out the poop, but that resulted in soggy paper clumps added to the already contaminated water. Still no Jeff. I picked up Henry, briefly held him under the running faucet, and then turned him loose to run around the house naked and wet while I tried to figure out what to do. I managed to capture and flush the "big one" and remove his arsenal of (now poop infected) bath toys and put them into the bathroom sink, but there was still a bathtub full of hazardous waste. Finally Jeff reappeared (from the garage?) and took over Operation Poop Removal. While I captured and subdued the wet, naked pooper, Jeff took care of the bathtub. Once the toys and tub had been cleaned and disinfected, I gave Henry bath #2. That's teamwork, again! I sure hope the bathtub pooping was a one-time occurence and doesn't become a regular routine.

Henry during Bathtub Intermission:


Anonymous said...

Yuk! Good story though. Good thing he didn't drink the water!

Anonymous said...

I believe that once when Jeff and I were little we both were in the tub together and I peed in it. Oops!!
Sorry Bud. A.L.

Anonymous said...

I believe that is true, Liz! Other than that, you were the perfect child.

I love the picture of Hen in his robe!