How old is Henry?


Monday, February 05, 2007


Yes, Henry is sick again. He was congested and coughing over the weekend, but he seemed o.k. otherwise. Then this morning he woke up with a 101.3 fever. Not too high, but he definitely needed to stay home. Jeff was home, so Henry stayed home with Daddy. He woke up from his nap this afternoon with a 104.5 fever, so when I got home from work I took him to Urgent Care (after he greeted me by vomiting on me). He then threw up again in the car on the way to Kaiser. He screamed and cried and made everyone around us in the waiting room feel sorry for him. When we were finally seen by the doctor, he did not like being poked and prodded, so he screamed and cried some more. Fast forward TWO HOURS...end result: double ear infection on top of some kind of virus. He's on antibiotics, and I was told he should be feeling better within 48 hours. I've called in a sub and will stay home with my little sickie tomorrow. Poor baby. He just can't seem to stay well. I'll be so glad when cold & flu season is over!

Here's a video from Saturday when he was feeling MUCH better. He's having fun feeding Daddy....


Anonymous said...

That video is AWESOME!!! Look at Bud being the best Dad in he world!
So cute.
Aunty Liz

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Hen's sick again! I guess it runs in the family: I've been sick and so has my brother, and Jeff was sooooo prone to ear infections. Jocie, one good thing, and I know it doesn't help much now, but he will outgrow much of this propensity to catch every little thing. Hopefully soon!

Love the feeding Daddy vid.

Jocelyn - Henry's Mommy said...

Lannie/Grammy - It's good to know that he will outgrow this sick thing. I have tried to make myself feel better by saying "he's building up his immunities!"
