How old is Henry?


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rainy Sunday

This morning it was clear and sunny out. I wanted to go outside to enjoy the nice weather. After Henry's nap, Jeff and I decided to take Henry and the pugs to a nearby park. By the time we got everyone dressed and ready to go, it was kind of cloudy. By the time we drove to the park (about 2 miles away), it was gray. As soon as we got out of the car, it started drizzling. A few minutes later it was full-fledged raining. We were determined to enjoy our trip to the park. I pushed Henry on the swings and let him explore the play structure while Jeff walked the pugs around the park. We only stayed for about 15 minutes. Oh well. It was still fun.
Henry loves swinging! He smiles and laughs the whole time.

Henry's out!

A little rain didn't spoil Henry's fun! He even kept his hood up the whole time.

Here's a quick & blurry video of Henry having fun swinging in the rain....


Anonymous said...

Very, very cute! Too bad he didn't have his slicker handy. Did he climb on the toys?

Unknown said...

My kids seem to have more fun playing in the rain than in the sun!! He takes after his cousins...