How old is Henry?


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Let's try something new....

Have you ever heard of You Tube? It's a website where you can upload videos and then other people can go there to view them. Let's try it out!

The first video is of Henry crawling. He just learned last week, but is getting faster & better already. This video is about 2 1/2 minutes long, and was taken on July 29.

This next 30 second video from July 31 shows how quickly the moods of Henry can change!

Let me know if you are able to view the videos. I hope it works!


Anonymous said...


Liz and I watched the videos twice last night and I'm about to watch them again. What a great idea!

I love hearing him "talk" and squeal! Crawling is a lot of work, especially when your back-end seems to have a life of its own!

Go Henry!!
Love, L.

Kathleen said...

It works! That is the best idea! I could just watch them over and over, but I think I should get some work done.

Love, Kath