We just got back from 6 days in Central Oregon on Wednesday evening, and I haven't even downloaded the pictures from my camera yet. But, I have a few from last week that I'll post in the meantime.
Last Wednesday I took Henry to Oaks Park, a small amusement park in Southeast Portland. We met our friends Steve and Tressy and their kids, Xander and Lucy there. Last summer
Henry hated Oaks Park, but this year he loves the rides. On the way there, Henry said, "I don't want to go on the roller coaster! I only want to go on the airplane ride! I don't want to go on any other other rides!" As soon as we walked into the park, Henry pointed at each and every ride and said, "I want to go on that one! And that one! And that one!" He went on a lot of rides, and liked almost all of them. He even went on the tilt-a-whirl
three times. I went on the tilt-a-whirl
zero times because I wanted to throw up
zero times.
Henry went on the roller coaster with Xander.

Henry drove Lucy around in the purple car.

Henry rode on the rocket ships several times. Henry rode in the green rocket with Lucy.

Then he rode in the purple rocket with Xander behind him in the orange rocket.

Henry and Lucy were the only ones on the Frog Hopper. It looked like fun.

Until it started. Check out that scowl!

We ended the day with a ride on the 100-year-old carousel. Henry was looking cool riding on the rooster and wearing my sunglasses.

Another fun summer day!