One of Henry's current favorite books is
Corduroy. He likes me to read the book over and over and over. He loves Corduroy's green overalls, and he started calling his green
tank top green overalls. "I have to wear my green overalls. I need my green overalls!" I looked on ebay and found something a little closer to Corduroy's overalls than the green tank top. Now Henry wants to wear them every day. When he's wearing the green overalls, we have to call him Corduroy. He insists.

Last weekend we had some friends visit for a barbecue, and they brought over Henry's future girlfriend, Zoey. They were so cute together, and Henry has asked several times when Zoey will come over again. Too bad they live in Texas!
"Hey Zoey, like my wheels?"

What a cute couple!
You can tell Henry likes Zoey because he let her use his prized Thomas umbrella.
Henry and Nathan are quickly becoming Best Buds. They play so well together lately and Henry says that Nathan is his "best fwend."
Only the best of friends eat dinner in the buff and/or in underwear.