Monday, April 27, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
The Easter Trifecta

"Can I be done now, Mom?" (Check out the lady in the background with the FULL shopping bag of eggs. Now she won't have to go to Target on her way home)The boys taking their sweet time.
Nathan is happy with his egg.
Henry is scrutinizing the candy. "Sixlets? Are you serious?"
"All right, I guess I'll eat it if I have to..."
Back at Greg and Marianne's house.
After Egg Hunt #1, we went out to lunch. Then Henry and I went on to Egg Hunt #2 at his daycare. By that time he had the hang of the egg hunting.
"Do I see an egg in there?"
"Yes! Here it is!"
Having fun! We should do this every weekend! Henry was pretty excited to find his Easter baskets waiting for him on Sunday morning.
He got lots of Mickey Mouse stuff and plastic eggs full of colorful rocks (which he loved) and eggs full of candy (which he wasn't terribly excited about).
The Easter Bunny brought him some cool glasses!
On Sunday afternoon we headed out to my dad's house for egg hunt #3. We took all of the candy-filled eggs that we had collected so far and re-hid them for this hunt. We came with 60 eggs and left with 8. That was a good thing!
All dressed up in his Daddy look-alike outfit, and headed out to the back yard for the hunt.
After finding one egg, he had to stop to eat the jelly beans out of it.The three youngest cousins had their own separate egg hunt on the tennis court while the older cousins found their eggs on the grass. Henry (saying "CHEESE!") with Oliver and Nathan.

Sunday, April 05, 2009
A Beautiful Day...Finally!

This kind of day really makes me look forward to summer! We only have 10 more weeks of school left. I'm sure it will start raining again this week, and those 10 weeks will seem like 20. But, for right now, I'm going to bask in the glow of a beautiful Spring day.
Nathan can taste Spring in the air!
Marianne & Peyton were sporting their shades.The boys had lots of fun running and playing
and climbing,
but the highlight may have been when Henry insisted on peeing on a tree even though there were perfectly good bathrooms there. Typical male.
I'm not sure what this thing is, but they played with it for a while.

Mickey Mania