I can't believe it's been two weeks since I've updated the blog. I'm a bad Mommy Blogger. But, we've been busy!
Greg and Marianne and the kids drove across the country and are now living about 10 miles away. I love that! Henry and Nathan play really nicely together. They both love Thomas trains and helicopters and they love to play chase. Henry says, "Nathan has to chase Henry" and then Nathan chases Henry while they both shriek and laugh. It's very cute.
Jeff, Henry, and I drove to the coast for a day. Unfortunately it was a cold, rainy day, but I still had fun being with my two favorite boys.
My mom came from Hawaii for a visit, and she just left today. She had fun seeing all three of her grandchildren in one place. We shopped, barbecued, went to the zoo, and had a really nice visit.
We had a big barbecue, with about 25 guests. Jeff made ribs, bratwursts, chicken, and hot dogs. Everyone had a great time.
I started back to work on Monday. Going back to work after having the summer off is never fun, but it is really, really hard now that I have Henry. I just hate leaving him after spending so much time together. It didn't help matters when he cried and cried when I dropped him off on Monday morning. It has gotten better since, so that's good.
See? We've been busy!
Henry at the little aquarium in Seaside

Jeff playing with Nathan and Henry (yes, he's wearing skeleton pj's)
At the Oregon Zoo...Peyton is as tall as a Sun Bear

Feeding the lorikeets. Yes, Marianne has a black eye. She and her dog collided heads!

Grandma Jackie and Henry watching the animals together

Henry loves the fire pit in our back yard

Daddy & Henry with their beverages

Hugs for Grandma

Grandma Jackie and the boys

We rarely get pictures of Jeff, Henry and I together, so I had my mom take a few before she left. It's hard to get a good one of all three of us at the same time, but here they are.

Henry and Grandma having fun

Henry with his Mommy and Grandma