I like to get out of the house to do fun things with Henry. He likes it too. When we're home, Henry asks to "go bye-bye" a lot. The thing is, I can't always think of fun things to do. Yesterday Jeff was home, so we decided to take Henry to the zoo. As we approached the zoo off-ramp, we noticed cars lined up FOR MILES in both directions. It turns out that on the 2
nd Tuesday of every month, the zoo has free admission. LOTS of bargain-conscious people were waiting in their hot cars to get into a very crowded zoo. We decided that we would not join them. So, we made a quick decision to go to Oaks Park, which is a small amusement park in SE Portland. I haven't been there since I was about 10. We arrived just after 11:00, and once inside, we found out that every Tuesday and Wednesday morning they have a "
Pre-School Party" from 9:30-11:30 for kids 6 and under. They can ride on the
kiddy rides, and there's a snack and story time included. It's just $6 per child, and parents are free! We didn't actually pay anything, though, because there was no one at the gate by the time we got there.
Shhh...don't tell all of the zoo bargain hunters! We started out by putting Henry on a rocket ship ride. As soon as the ride started, Henry started crying. Shaky chin and all.

The ride operator actually stopped the ride to let Henry off. Poor guy.

We thought maybe we'd have better luck if he went on a ride with one of us, so Jeff and Henry got in line for the roller coaster.

It wasn't much better.

Here's a closeup...

By the time we finished those two rides, it was 11:30 and the rides were over. Bummer. We are going to go again soon and try some of the rides that we think he might like better.
Today I took Henry to Pump It Up, which is an indoor inflatable playground.

He had fun playing for about an hour, until he discovered the water fountain, and decided that drinking from it was more fun than playing. Once his shirt was good and wet, we decided it was time to go home.
So, it's been a fun couple of days. I'm not sure what we'll do tomorrow.