Jeff and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary on Monday. We'd been getting over colds, but we felt good enough to go ahead with our anniversary plan. Jeff's mom, Lannie, flew down from Spokane for a few days. Jeff and I went to the beach OVERNIGHT! It was my first time EVER being away from Henry overnight. I knew he was in good hands, but it was still hard for me to leave him. He had a runny nose and a cough, but we still went. Once at the beach, I called to check in on Henry, and found out that he woke up from his nap with a fever of 104.5! We were sure it was an ear infection, so Lannie took him to the urgent care clinic. It turns out, he had pneumonia. Poor little guy. We returned the next day, and he was feeling much better, but he's been coughing like crazy all week. I'm glad Jeff & I had the opportunity to celebrate our anniversary, and I'm so appreciative that Lannie was here taking excellent care of him. Jeff & I have both been sick for the past few days, so the whole family spent Spring Break coughing and blowing our noses. It was a nice anniversary, but a pretty sad Spring Break.
I've been feeling cabin fever staying at home all week, and I think Henry has been feeling it, too. He was happy to play outside for a little while yesterday.

I haven't been taking pictures lately, but that's probably because nobody wants to see pictures of snot and kleenex. I have a couple of pictures from Easter. Henry got a basket with lots of toys and a very little bit of candy. He loves Reese's Pieces.