We had a nice family Christmas. Jeff was off on Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and most of today. Very unusual, and VERY nice! We spent Christmas Eve at my dad's house with a huge group of friends and family. There were TWENTY people there for a delicious prime rib dinner. We ate, visited, and opened presents. We didn't even get home until almost 10:00 PM. Henry and I quickly went to bed, but Jeff stayed up late putting together a very cool train track configuration for Henry.

When we woke up this morning, Henry had fun playing with his new Island of Sodor setup.

He didn't realize it was Christmas, though. It was just another morning to Henry. He wanted a sippy cup of milk, and he wanted to "watch Thomas." Jeff made us a nice breakfast, and then we opened our stockings. We practically had to force Henry to open his stocking.

He really wasn't interested. But, he was happy with the new Thomas trains that he got. Next we opened the gifts under the tree. Again, Henry didn't really get it. He doesn't like opening gifts...he definitely doesn't get that from ME! I love presents!

I had to start tearing open the gifts. Then when Henry caught a glimpse of what was under the wrapping, if he was interested, he would finish the unwrapping job.

He loved his new Spongebob towel.

It snowed this morning, and we thought it would be fun to take Henry for a walk in the snow. We bundled up and went outside, only to discover that it was very cold and very wet, and our faces were getting pelted by freezing raindrops.

After about five minutes, we turned around and went home.

Unfortunately Jeff had to go to work at 5:00 today, but at least we got to enjoy most of Christmas together. Henry and I drove over to my dad's house again for another yummy dinner. This time it was a much smaller crowd. We got to spend more time with my Grandpa and Esther, who are visiting from Virginia. Henry got to hang out with his Grandpa and his Great-Grandpa!

Four generations...
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!