Henry isn't a really big talker yet. I know lots of babies his age and even younger who say more words than Henry. But, I know Henry is smart because he understands a lot. He follows directions. Even multiple step directions like, "go get your ball, and put it in your mailbox." He'll do it. But, he doesn't talk a whole lot for an 18-month-old. His pediatrician said that he should know between 5-10 words by now, and he does, but it just doesn't seem like enough. He says mama (and mommy), dada (and daddy), baba, ball, bye, hi, wow, uh-oh, bubble, doggy, and a few others. Sometimes he repeats words that we say, but usually most words sound like "da-da." As I said, I know Henry is smart, so I wasn't too worried...but I have been pretty eager for more talking.
So, Henry took me completely by surprise the other night by COUNTING TO THREE! I couldn't believe it. Our boy is a genius! I was changing his clothes on Sunday evening, and as I took his first arm out of the sleeve, I said, "one..." As I took his other arm out of the sleeve, he said "TWO...THREE." I thought for sure I had heard wrong, or he had coincidentally made sounds that were similar to "two" and "three." So, after I gasped out loud, I tried it again. I said, "one" and he said "two...three!" It was actually more like, "two...hrrreeee" but I know what he meant. We did it a couple more times, and then I grabbed him and ran out into the kitchen to show Jeff. I was so happy that I actually had tears in my eyes! I said, "I don't know if he'll do it again, but listen to this....ONE...." Right on cue, Henry said, "two...hrrreeee!" So, then I grabbed my camera to video this amazing feat. Incredibly, he did it one more time on camera, and then wouldn't do it again. Check out the video! You only have to watch the first 8 seconds because after that it's just Jeff and I saying "one..." while Henry runs away. He also says a word that sounds just like "Cubley" at 18 seconds. My baby really is smart!
Another sign of true genius in our 18-month-old is his ability to find certain books. If I quote a line or two from one of Henry's books, he will find that book! If I say, "Clifford is on the farm today..." he will find his Clifford book. Yesterday I was in his bedroom and he was in the living room. I was trying to get him to join me in the bedroom, so I pretended to be reading from his "Goodnight Moon" book, thinking it would bring him to me. I loudly said, "Goodnight room...goodnight moon...goodnight cow jumping over the moon." A few moments later Henry came running into his bedroom carrying his "Goodnight Moon" book. We read it four times in a row. He's a smarty-pants!