Riva, one of my best friends from college in Hawaii, is visiting this week from the Bay Area. She happens to have a baby boy who is only 5 weeks older than Henry. It seems like we've been talking about the day when our kids could play together forever; long before either of us were married. We've been excitedly planning this visit for months! After picking up Riva & Shane from the airport on Tuesday evening, we got home and set them down on a blanket to play. We watched them eagerly, waiting to see how they would interact. We were hoping to avoid eye gouging, hair pulling or pinching. Dare we hope for friendship between our two little ones? Would they play together? Smile at each other? Grow up to be college roommates? We certainly didn't expect what happened next...

We laughed so hard we cried! They looked at each other, then leaned in for the kiss, then separated, then did it again...and again! They were totally oblivious to us cackling and rolling on the floor laughing, and talking about their "Brokeback Moment." I guess Henry & Shane like each other. Since then, we've been having lots of fun together.
At the zoo...